Visiting Parainen

Today, I and my friends decided to visit Parainen. We didn't really know anything about the place, we only had seen about the chalk mine. I had seen it but they hadn't so we thought it would be fun to go and see it. We set off and around an hour later with a bus, we dropped off at Parainen. I must say, I think we were the only tourists. We started to walk around to the city center where we entered a local coffee shop. Our friends got coffee and we decided to buy this giant donut. It tasted quite good! We loved the fact of antique stores swarming the place and wished that they were open. All we could do was, stick our faces on the windows to see what they had inside.

We walked towards the sea and sat down along the sea for a while, just relaxing, looking at the boats and talking. It was nice to relax there and feel the wind against our skin. From there, we set off to walk to the chalk mine. It was nice to climb up there and see the view. Interesting mine.

From the mine, we started to walk towards the old town, crossed the bridge, and came among the cutest building. Also, we didn't know that Runeberg had his summer cottage there. That made the place more interesting than ever. We were excited to see that and we walked through there to discover a lot of teddy bears along with other writers summer cottages that were made into a museum. We were also spooked out by some of the teddy bears or window decorations and there was nobody around was a bit spooky. Like in a scary movie set. But it was okay, we had reached the church.

The church was amazing inside. We didn't really expect that much but the interior was amazing. Also, the priest was there so he was very lovely as he let us in further, showing us the interior and giving us information about the church. It was very nice of him to try and show us.

After that, it was time to go so we bid our goodbyes with Parainen and set back to Turku. It was a lovely day!


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