Trying Finnish Snacks!

On Vappu Day, I and my friends also combined another idea to have fun during Vappu. We decided to get all the snacks we could that we hadn’t tried yet, and actually make a video of us trying them!
I must say, it was a very fun and interesting experience especially as we tried Salmiakki! It was so funny to see our faces! We did some sort of a reaction video.
We had a lot of things on the menu. I think one of the most exciting things were the Vappu donuts and Tippaleipä. We also had a lot of fun, trying to read the Finnish words on the packages. Now that was very interesting.
Here is a list of the things we tried:
1)      Fazer – Doris
2)      Moomin Biscuits
3)      Fazer Praline Biscuits
4)      Tupla Original
5)      Kartanon Tilli & Kermavilli
6)      Kartanon Original
7)      Vappu Donuts
8)      Pullava voisilmäpitko
9)      Tippaleipä
10)   Fazer – Tutti Frutti Nordic Berries
11)   Skalle
12)   Fazer – Pantteri
13)   Tyrkisk peber

Here is our reaction video! 


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