Hevisaurus | Official Website

Did you know that dinosaurs can sing too? Probably not, expect from Barney. Oh Barney, the cute purple dino. When I say dinosaur, Jurassic Park pops up in my mind. As a child I loved to watch that movie and am hoping to visit the Universal Studios to see them too!

Now here is the fun thing about dinosaurs in Finland, they are cooler. I might have had a traumatic shock when me and my friend were doing some research for our radio show to come upon…Hevisaurus. Yes! They are real. Like really real. It’s happening!

I am talking about some dinosaurs but what is cooler than just dinosaurs? A group of dinosaurs playing Heavy Metal!

There is Komppi, Riffi, Herra, Milli and Muffi! Muffi is my favourite one cause he has the purple hair but other than that, who would’ve know that we would have dinosaurs compete in the music industry?

They have an amazing website in Finnish that I couldn’t understand at all but Google translate is there for nothing! And you will have a laugh since it doesn’t translate anything meaningfully at all. Give it a try and have a laugh. https://www.hevisaurus.com/

Other than that, I must say that these guys are pretty cool and are booked for many events that are for children. So think about a concert with kids jumping up and down to heavy metal. Kids in Finland for sure are cool. I would exchange this for Barney too!

I mean…they have their own Vevo…and well…all the other social media accounts that you don’t. Definitely go on Youtube and check them out, they aren’t that bad! (Might have become a fan maybe?)

Long live Hevisaurus and all the dinosaurs on earth!


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