Unfortunately, there is a worldwide epidemic going on at the moment. So, our universities have also shut down I would say physically but we are still continuing our lectures online. To be honest, I didn’t know how to feel about this matter before, since I’d never ever imagine for such a thing to happen. I must say that it was very surprising and I was pretty much scared of what would happen next since nobody really knew, this was a situation out of movies. Well, turns out that I was capable of doing online classes like anyone else. We still had everything going on expect from the fact of having to go to school. I must say I do miss the campus and going there to meet people and go to classes physically but I cannot rant about it, the whole world is in the same situation. So to keep everything safer, we are all under lock down. In this lock down, I have actually felt more like I could focus on schoolwork. Since we are home and there isn’t really anything keeping us busy such as going out, we are less tired. So, I found myself focusing much more on the things I want to do but had to delay because I was busy or tired. So I must say that I have turned this epidemic into a positive thing for me since I am doing a lot of stuff I had delayed for a long time. The best thing is, I am more dedicated now and can really bring my mind up and I have a lot of time to think about what I want to do and which way to go. It is almost like a break really, a break of finding yourself and spending time with yourself. It is very productive and I must admit that I have found myself to be much more productive than ever. Because we are not rushing anywhere. We are by ourselves. So, I have my headphones as I focus on projects more. I also love how we get to connect with our tutors and just really see our classmates too. Also, another advantage is because everyone is home, we can even get to schedule private meetings with our lecturers if we are busy at the time of our classes. Everyone is very kind and understanding in this situation and I am grateful for that. Although I must say that as an art student, we had a lot of filming stuff going on which was very exciting since everything was ready and we were going to film but the epidemic beat us to it. But life continues and I like to look at positive sides of things so this shall pass too. Now we are having a mobile documentary course which isn’t easy since we have to shoot stuff but we have to be creative so I have decided to do a script that you could shoot at home. Let’s hope it goes well when I am shooting it. Hope everyone is having a better time during this epidemic but this will pass too.


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