One of the things I got to spend in Finland was Easter. I must say that it was a very interesting experience for me here, since I learned that they didn’t have egg hunting. But they had something much more fun and almost like Halloween, Palm Sunday. Although I couldn’t truly experience it this year due to the current COVID-19 situation, I did see some decorations as I took a walk around the area I live at. It was fun and well…I was scared to see this decoration since I thought that a child was stuck in a bush. Turns out to be a very Finnish ‘’Happy Easter!’’ decoration. I did want to see the children going around in witch costumes but maybe another time. Apart from that, since we have minimum contact with everyone around us, I did have a very interesting day. I and my friends decided to paint some eggs and they might have went a bit wrong but we tried our best. Than we started cooking for Easter and made a lot of food…and well like that was not enough we also decided to gobble down on some ‘’Easter Candy’’ we had bought. It wasn’t even afternoon when all of this happened too! Than everyone went back home to get their things done for the day, only for me to bake some Easter Brownies and bring them back so we could gobble on them more. We also ate more of the leftover food along with the candy and biscuits and everything else. I thought I was going to really explode at the point. We ended the day with watching a movie and just hanging out. I guess this was the best way to celebrate while we are in a lockdown. Although I must say that I did try the famous Mignon but I am glad I did not try that on Easter day! I would be in sugar coma for sure! Also, I really love Mämmi and well, I like to stock that too! Happy Easter everyone!

Here is a vlog I made on Easter!


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