One of the main reasons on why I wanted to do my exchange in Finland was because I knew that it would be a perfect place for me since I like quiet places. I’m a very calm person and I knew that Finland was a very calm and quiet place. I wanted to escape from my environment to actually be by myself, meet new people and focus on stuff that I couldn’t really focus on. So, as I set off for my journey, I knew that I had a goal and I had to get it done before leaving. The problem was, I was so overwhelmed and just so excited, I started failing my goal of writing a book. I had to write, I had to get back on track but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t even read what I had written to continue writing. But, I decided to get some help from my tutors and I was set off to write since I now had deadlines for the book. Sometimes, you just need to be pushed I guess. Also, for me something magical happened. Quarantine striked and now everything turned into online schooling. So, this meant that I had to stay at home and get my school work done along with actually really focusing on myself and continuing writing. I believe I am one of those people that now work harder from home than in a normal day rush where you have to be at places at certain times. I decided to sit down and write. I had my headphones and music and I found myself writing more and more. I thought that it was going to be an epic fail since that was why I had chosen to come here to leave with nothing. I must say that the book idea was pretty peculiar and it got me to think of who I am and what I wanted to do. I knew right when I started to continue writing that there was no turning back. Ever. So now, as I am in the process of writing, I find myself more at peace. That’s also one of the greatest things an exchange can make you do, really aim and achieve for your goals with a little push. So when I look back I the future, I will be very proud to state that the book writing process also involved amazing Finland. For now, everything is going great and let’s just see how it goes for the future!


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