On day four,which sadly was our last day in Lapland, I was very upset to go but before our trip was officialy over, we had one more place to go which I had been longing for weeks and weeks : Husky Farm.
Now as people know me, I love animals so I was pretty excited to go to the farm and see the huskies and I only thought that I would see the huskies…I was wrong. First of all, we were given a brief information before entering the farm and directly were seated in the husky ride, and off we took for the great adventure. I did not think that the huskies would go that fast and we would be mostly flying up in the air and it was so fun to just feel that wind and watch the huskies run like it was their passion. I don’t know how the ride ended but it was like heaven and I didn’t want it to end at all. After the ride, as other people were riding we had some amazing time with the reindeers! The lovely lady working there gave us gingerbread cookies and we could kiss the reindeers by handing them over the cookies with our mouth! Now that was an experience to go through! They were so cute and their eyes were so big and bright, they were just beauty and perfection! I loved giving them lots of kisses and they were so calming and soothing. Later on when everyone had done the ride, it was time for the farm tour and we saw so many animals that were just so cool! I mean, I would never imagine petting a wolf so…and seeing the red foxes were so cute, I even got to go inside their cage which was awesome! Also, all the animals loved it when we petted them but we learned that they were used to people since they were all in movies and commercials! How cool is that! And of course as a cinema students wondering how they were filming with these animals, I learnt a lot of stuff! I’d love to act with these animals one day for sure! At the end of our trip, they actually were so nice they prepared us some warm drinks with sausages and that was so nice! The whole staff was amazing and so friendly and keen on answering our questions, I really want to go back!


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